Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Top Tips - Who's Kidding Who

Recently HairDesignerTV conducted a poll. One to the stylist and one to the consumer. The number one reason a stylist believes they lose their clients is because their client will not let them try something new. Client's number one reason for leaving a stylist is because they were looking for something new. Open up the line for communication in a salon through customer satisfaction polls and encourage your clients to try different stylists in the salon. This way clients will stay in your salon and won't feel uncomfortable going to a new stylist.

Vivienne Mackinder - Founder of

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Top Tips - The Journey

We believe that every new salon guest needs to know who we are and what we do as a "brand." After filling out their New Guest Profile Card, we take them on a "journey" of our salon. Salon team members recite the same script and emphasize certain key points with their dynamic personalities. We use comments like, "delighted" or "my pleasure" instead of "thank you" or "no problem". Get your salon team together and change the dialogue, it makes your environment fun. Take a virtual journey of Mikel's The Paul Mitchell Experience at

Mikel Sandoval, Art Director and Owner of Mikel's The Paul Mitchell Experience

Monday, September 14, 2009

Pricing, pricing, pricing

Do all of your haircare and spa products that are for sale in your salon/spa have a price on them? If you answered no, ask yourself this... When you are shopping in a store, for example Bath & Body Works®, and you pick up a product and it does not have a price on it, what do you do? That's right, you put it right back where you found it! If you have salon software, you may have the ability to print labels for your products with the quick click of a button. Another option is that office supply stores sell pricing guns for about $20. The pricing gun allows you to price your items effectively and efficiently. Do not hand-write your price tags, consumers expect to see handwritten tags at a flea market or garage sale. Remember EVERYTHING in your four walls is branding your business.

Cheryl Fernandes, Retail MD Manager SalonCentric

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Turn your break room into a learning lounge

Too often, when clients don't show up for an appointment the stylists don't utilize this time wisely. It's easy to get exhausted and bored doing nothing, because waiting time can really drag. Use this space for re-energizing and learning. Put in a computer with Internet access. Add mannequins and tripods. Not only will this refocus the salon culture, but also owners will be ensuring that their talented team is keeping up with the latest styles and trends without setting foot outside the salon.

Vivienne Mackinder - Founder of

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hire Slow, Fire Fast

People interview well. They are bringing their 'A' game and intend to deliver a great performance. So you see the best. To slow down the hiring process we have a three part interview cycle where they interview with me last. We give tests and scenarios and role plays and every opportunity to find the 'real' candidate that is authentic, smart and resourceful. So slowing down has helped us eliminate those individuals who appeared great on the first interview but showed less promise as time went on.

On the firing side, when it is over, I know. I can find a million reasons to keep someone on staff but it is usually not the right reasons. I have learned through many difficult situations to assess and analyze with my head and business goals at the forefront. And to lean on my core values. So if they are a pear on my apple tree, then they are terminated. I need apples on this apple tree.
Jill Kohler, Co-Founder of Kohler Academy

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rebooking - Scheduling life's priorities, hair comes first.

Rebooking is the quickest way we can uplift sales and create better walking adverts. Our clients who rebook before they leave make 50% more visits per year than those that wait to book from home, but most stylists hate to think they are pushy sales people.

This needs reframing. We are professional advisors in this client relationship and must take the lead. As such, if we offer any less than the client needs, we are failing in our duty.

We look at 3 stages:

1. Consultation - Questions like: "When did it stop looking its best?"

2. Reinforce - Statements like: "I'd like to see you in six weeks time to be sure we maintain your style".

3. Reception Staff - Questions like: "Is it 5 or 6 weeks for your next appointment?"

Michael van Clarke, Owner - Michael van Clarke

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Up Your Advertising!

Today many companies are cutting back on ad spending due to the economy. Wrong decision! Today more than ever progressive aggressive companies of all types, including and perhaps especially salons, should hold their ad budgets or even increase them to build their brands at bargain-basement rates. Ad volumes are down in all types of media…print, radio, TV and even Internet…and this is translating into lower rates and therefore better cost efficiencies for advertisers. Take advantage of these lower rates to get your message out to consumers who are still buying, but more selectively.

Gordon Logan, Founder/CEO - Sport Clips

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Team Up With Vendors

Every vendor has the potential to be an ally. In some cases, it requires creative thinking, but there is always one thing in common. You both want more business – not less. We’ve done this in many ways, for example: cross promoting with the person who caters your coffee and snacks – we feature them in the salon for discounts on our catering and they keep flyers in their store.

Danny LeClaire, Owner - Studio DNA

Monday, March 23, 2009

Never Compromise Your Education

At TONI&GUY we believe that our education program is the reason for our success. We have high standards and hold all of our trainees to those standards. It doesn’t matter how much experience a new hire might have in the hairdressing industry prior to joining our company, we always make sure that they can cut or color to our standards before testing them out of the basic program and allowing them to take our clients. Our clients choose us because of our high standards and we have to make sure that we exceed their expectations every time.

Debbie Webster, Executive VP-Salon Division, TONI&GUY