Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hire Slow, Fire Fast

People interview well. They are bringing their 'A' game and intend to deliver a great performance. So you see the best. To slow down the hiring process we have a three part interview cycle where they interview with me last. We give tests and scenarios and role plays and every opportunity to find the 'real' candidate that is authentic, smart and resourceful. So slowing down has helped us eliminate those individuals who appeared great on the first interview but showed less promise as time went on.

On the firing side, when it is over, I know. I can find a million reasons to keep someone on staff but it is usually not the right reasons. I have learned through many difficult situations to assess and analyze with my head and business goals at the forefront. And to lean on my core values. So if they are a pear on my apple tree, then they are terminated. I need apples on this apple tree.
Jill Kohler, Co-Founder of Kohler Academy

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